California is one of the most naturally beautiful regions of the world. It has everything, the sea, the mountains, the desserts, the forests and a variety of plants unmatched. My favorite drive in the world is Highway One along the coast of California.
"California is unsustainable", a comment made the other night to me. His forefathers came to California in the 1880. The population has misused the land and water so badly was the point he was making. The water coming out of the facet in most area is undrinkable because of the use of fertilizers and in some cases one does not even want to bath or shower in the water because it smells so strongly. In other places, like the silicon valley, it is the production of high tech industry without safe guards, that is the problem for the water. Everywhere the talk is that there is a shortage of water or at less a total misuse of water.
The air above parts of California is world famous.
Desserts were placed on earth as a balance to the rain forests, turn them into residential neighborhoods and the results are that sometimes there will be high wind fires and somethings there will mud slides.
California is a bellwether for the rest of us as a college professor said in the seventies in one of my classes. We let them try out the ideas and the country will adopt some and some we will pass by. This year, I understand, California is going to be 4 billion dollars short and it jumps to 20 billion each year for the next four years. Lots of analyzes will be done about what when wrong and each of us will have a pet theory.
It made my heart happy to see the students at Berkeley protesting the hike in tuition. We all know that Bush did not use the draft for the current wars because of the students but at last, they have taken to the streets. In the every great movement in this country, the people in the streets changed things. Maybe these students will start a movement across this country about the corrupt systems that have develop in recent history and do something about changing it. Their energy is needed to start the movement.
was this the sun writers workshop?