Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A friend of mine from the fruit society who taught me the basics about raising chicken called today. His starts of tomato plants are deformed and some are dieing.

He recalled that in the soil workshop Sunday it was mentioned not to use straw anywhere near our vegetable beds if it comes from the eastern part of the state because Atrazine is allowed as a weed killer and it is toxic to some vegetables. Well, guess what they use for in the chicken coop and then throw in the compost pile and then mix in their potting soil.

The EU have banned the product along with Iowa. The groundwater is contaminated in WI and along with many state across the nation. The list of problems is well known including cancer which currently one of the lead cause of death among farmers. Frogs like the canary have warned for years about this week killer but the chemical company have friends in dark suits that make the laws.

Small things in the food chain affect our health but I never thought the example would be so close for me to observe.

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