Saturday, May 23, 2009

just thoughts

My gardening tells my brain the age of my body. This season, I have found it necessary to visit my chiropractor a couple times a week for a few weeks. My lower plate or hips get tilled to one side because of the constant up and down and the favoring of one side, repeating movements that finally bring on pain and totally stoppage of everything. This lovely woman has start the balancing and realignment of my lower back and encourage me to do a few minutes of excises first time in the morning. Miracles in life some times are so small but change the whole lookout of the day.

John's truck is very important to the gardening we do. We haul loads of saw dust, organic garden mix and sand to the area behind our property and slowly during the year work from these piles. John is going to have his 76th birthday shortly and the new tires he put on the truck yesterday will last until he's 91.

I wonder if there is a person that goes to the dentist and hears a comment like you bush your teeth so well there will be no cleaning this year. The lecture I got from a woman last week made me feel like I flunked second grade. I do believe she belongs to the Nazi party in a past life.

The main problem with the pharmaceuticals is that the synthetics they give us never leaves the planet. It leaves our bodies but it goes into our water systems. Too bad we can get the original herb or mineral that we need in the original form.

Last night I took a walk with two of my grandchildren and the family dog, Daisy. We went on a public trail that was created from a logging spur in the last century. We took a short cut back though a field and I pointed out an animal trail. I told the children how the people settling the West used the trails that the buffalo used. Buffalo moved from one source of salt to another traveling about the plains and the early scouts often used the same paths for the cover wagons going west. Lewis and Clark wrote in their journals about the sight of not seen any land because it was solid with brown with that animal.

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