Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The square dance of minerals

The square dance of minerals in one's body, our soil and the bigger world is so interconnected it is a science that holds the story of health and illness. The music may play but unless there are enough dancers/minerals in one's body to interact the party doesn't happen. One hand is off to the front while the body circling in formation and going under the arm of the third, it is all part of the beauty movement of rebuilding cells.

Currently, our food lacks so many of the common minerals that were presence in top soil when people farmed in a permaculture manner, one has to be conscious of what is needed.

The food growers in the Yakima valley in Washington are now discussing planting flowers that bloom all summer on the tractor trails in the orchard so the bees stay. On the edge of the field they are encouraging wide stands of grasses so the beetles and spiders winter over and take care of the aphids during the summer. Bluebird houses are being placed all around the fields of fruit. These people have found that the spraying of chemicals is killing their family members and destroying the soil.

Boron is a mineral for the brain and arrives though the blood. Yttrium arrives though intestinal tract, an ocean mineral, rarely talked about and is one of the links to increase in lifespan. They work as twins. Lou Gehrig's disease, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's are related to their deficiency. Boron is easily consumed by the spice of turmeric. This spice used in India and northern Africa is part of their daily diet. Alzheimer is uncommon in India as a result of the use of turmeric. A long list of fruits have boron in them including plums, peaches, strawberries, apples and quince. Also on the list is dandelion leaves. Signs of deficiency include ADD, osteoporosis, arthritis, fatigue and decrease of brain functions.

Needless, to say, I have started to take serious the health of my brain want to feel the sharp energy of clear thinking therefore, I am taking turmeric in pill form but will find ways to incorporate it in recipes. For a month I am also taking boron in pill form to experience any difference. I am not sure if the music is fast, slow, loud and faint.

Iodine is so key the brain can't develop without it. Iodine is the thermostat for the human body. Iodine is essential for the metabolism of fats. Iodine is the salt in our blood, our tears and our perspiration. If one don't live near the sea one probably need to figure out in what form one are getting your needed share of Iodine. The bleached out of minerals, white table salt that is popular is a poor second to the mineral rich sea salts are that are multicolored and tasty. The dance continues because Iodine doesn't work unless our bodies have selenium.

Ingenious peoples ate over a hundred and fifty foods in a year gathering bulbs from the earth, berries from bushes, leafs from plants. The average American eats less than 50 foods in a year. Americans are not coming to the square dance, they don't know the steps, in many cases they don't realize the music is playing. Minerals are the story of health.

I am going to start a journal of foods that I eat. I want to see where I stand on this scale with my ancestors.

1 comment:

  1. I too have an interest in nutrition. If you come across any articles on the internet could you put a link on your blog.
    Your analogy of a dance is good. When taking a supplement it is important to know what interacts with it and how it interacts - does something block it's absorption? do you need to take it with something else to get full benefit? do you have a condition that would be dangerous if you did take it?
    I look forward to reading your posts on this subject. Let us know when you feel a difference. Perhaps you should ask your son if he notices any differences - our children can be very observant.
