Monday, May 18, 2009

MINERALS FOR THE GENETIC CODE by Charles Walters continues to teach me the importance of trace minerals in our diet and in our soil. It takes so little to throw off the balance of one of our functions. Surprisingly, the book discusses the overlay of mineral involved in degenerative diseases and spell out the what is needed to right the situation.

The current use of aspartame and Splenda as a sweeter in soda and gum is very dangerous. It is related to a 30 to 50% loss of the thymus function which means immunity if being canceled out quickly.

Other quick facts I found. White spots on fingernails denote a zinc deficiency.

People and animals consuming selenium either diminish or eliminate cancer.

Nuts and seeds offer a constant healthy source to trace minerals.

Deficiency in copper maybe white hair along with a long list of conditions including arthritis.

We get some minerals and vitamin from the air and sunlight as in vitamin D, which has three parts to it. The sun gives us energy from its light and some of vitamin D can not be consumed though supplements. Maybe that explains winter colds and flu and poorer health that season of the year.

Probiotics are the good bacteria, all 400 different ones in our stomach, that fight off bad bacteria. If the AMA and the Food and Drug promoted probiotics more than antibiotics, we would probably live in a different world today. Probiotics are as simple as yogurt and fermented foods and we all have to remember our stomach is our second brain. Enough on minerals today

I have my own pray flags! They are flying on the support fences that I put up for my tomatoes. This year I started my own varieties of tomatoes and yesterday I transplanted them. I want to closely follow what varieties I will continue to plant so I wrote their names on a bright pink plastic tape and tied it to the top of their support. The eight inch tapes blowing in the wind reminded me of the pray flags in all of Asia.

My chickens roam the yard much more than I would have thought. The most comical aspect of the it is that John some times sits in a chair and watches that they do not hop onto my raised beds. He has a long stick and tells them to move along. It is a scene out of China where the elders have a full time job watching the ducks in the courtyards.

The simplify of my garden is one the keys to my sanity in world where the daily news is so depressing.


  1. So if we take a couple of tablespoons of nuts and seeds daily - will that be adequate for the getting enough trace minerals?

  2. It is part of our diet that I find often overlooked. Generally speaking we don't get enough iodine or magnesium and we get too much fluoride and aluminum. People ate much better in the forties and oranges were a Christmas gift, imagine!
