Wednesday, November 10, 2010


      Tonight maybe the first night that my backyard will get frost.  We are to have a sunny day and a clear sky tonight.  I have the hoop portions in place for my two raised beds that I will garden this winter but I have to work on the cloth or plastic to cover them sometime during the day.  The little trick is all in the anchoring, the winds will be the undoing, I have found.

      This mornings news is particularly troubling.  The numbers of uninsured in this country is what, 54 million?  The GOP want to dismantle whatever is in place for the children of this country and a couple states want to do away with Medicare for seniors, one of them is Texas.   What happened to the sense of compassion or empathy with the citizens of this country?  Now the Catholic Church is debating if helping the poor is a liberal left wing idea at the up coming bishops meeting?  Bush is rewriting history on each show he appears about his motivation of going to war. 
Really, I have to ask myself, do I want to life out my life in this country.

       I am working on organizing my art studio so I have a place to zone out.  Anyone that has done something intensely in the creative field or in sports know the place that one goes to in the pursue their field.  I have to have everything in place, cleaned, subject matter ready, pencils and paints ready, my radio with my painting CD.  Yes, it is a habit of mine that I start each painting session with the same CD, have for years.  it is an old one of Carly Simons.  I move into a zone with her.  It has been a while and I have to get the eye, hand brain connection going again.  I have come to the conclusion the world doesn't need more paintings only I need the mental place of creating them.

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