Friday, November 5, 2010

Life and the gift

      I am in the middle of helping my brother find his way to the end of his life.  That make sound a little straight forward and cold but in fact he needs lots of help and I am experienced.  I have helped a couple other people I loved very much find the route.

      In a way, he is the most difficult--I have never heard of him reading my blog, so I feel comfortable writing this frankly but even if he read this I would not change a word.

       Someway in my thirties I figured out that each one of us have a contract  to live a lesson driven life. I, for instance, may have a issue with patiences or charity of time so this life is fulled with opportunity to give of my time or maybe generous of teaching. Even at my age, I am not sure that I have found the true purpose of this life or that whatever is ahead is more important than the past, imagining my growth and the possibilities are endless.

       During all of this, I believe the circle of probable people I have known from different time periods are all in my circle of people in this life.

       I suppose this short cuts some religious beliefs of my family and friends but then of course we all have many lives to live learn the secrets of the universe at our own rate. All of this is a reminder of that time is a gift, along with good health and the awareness to each day.

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