Saturday, November 20, 2010

The New Golden Age

        The book with the above title is about the only positive thing I have seen, heard or read in a long time.  Ravi Batra is an unusual man because his education crosses so many difference disciplines of study.  His reputation of understanding economics, patterns of social change and reviewing the large picture of history is a rare talent.

         It makes perfect sense if you read his conclusion in the last chapter of the coming changes that are due in the United States.  Yesterday I heard that the Recovery Act covered 2009 and 2010 so many more social safety net programs will be dropped after January.  The individual states will have more and more cuts that will make poverty gallop across the nation.  In this new world a reality that will finally show all the Republicans, the Democratic, the Tea Party members, the liberals, the conservatives, the gays, the gun owners, the Christians, the Muslims, the immigrants, the rural southern and the high tech geek, we all are the victims of misrule by the acquisitve class, the ruling elite.  Up to this time, the ruling elite have been able to divide and distract the general population with issues so the low wages, the high debts, the injustices, the lack of health care, the unfair tax system were not the main issues.

       History is the map that shows how all of this will happen and some individuals from the warrior class will step forward and lead the way.  This is because as Batra says in the book"it will take extreme courage and valor as  no one in the elite class will surrender power on a silver platter...but their defeat is preordained by the law of social cycle."   

        This book  was published in 2007 and Barta predicts this upheaval could last from 2009 to 2016.  We surely live in interesting times.


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