Saturday, November 27, 2010


FOOD MATTERS, a film that rates 4 star I think on the Netflix rating system, should be seen by everyone so you can judge for your self and then quickly forgotten as a film that was mislabeled and overrated.

First, the misnamed part.  It is not about food. the quality of food, different types of food, the choices of food, the production of food.  It does not explore the  four societies that successfully have little heart disease or cancer or the reasons that many of it's citizens experience longevity.  Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Loma Linda, Calif. and the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica are not even mentioned as the examples of healthy centers on the earth. 

The film does say our food is sprayed too much, travels too far and is too cheap to be of quality.  Then the experts promote vitamins, raw food drinks and other therapies for diseases.  After a little research on the individuals speaking though out the film I get the feeling they belong on the back of a buckboard wagon selling snake oil.  Well, in a way they are doing the modern day version of that if you read their websites. They are all about self promotion.

Andrew Weil, Micheal Pollan and Carol Deppe are people that speak thoughtfully about quality of food and choices that make health easy to understand.  I strongly recommend that you spend your time with these people and skip this film.  I find it sad the film did not interview these people.

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